Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Easy gourmet!

Ok I'm ready! We had a bit of a stressfull afternoon, (nothing a good bottle of wine can't fix!) So dinner was a little off due to the quality of the wine.

I made one of my favorite dishes. Chicken breasts with avocado and pepper jack. It's so easy and tastes incredible! The key to making this dish great is the marinade. I put 4-5 chicken breasts in a Pyrex pan. Add about 1/2 cup olive oil, white and red wine vinegar, lime or lemon juice, salt, pepper, garlic, cumin, and worcesteshire sauce. I let this sit in the fridge for at least 24 hours. You can either grill it or cook it on the stove. I chose the stove this time. With the drought and the ban on public grilling I figured I should just cook inside. I put olive oil in the skillet and cooked the chicken on both sides until it's done. After I flip it, I put very thin sliced avocado and top it with pepper jack so that the cheese can melt while the chicken cooks. This time it was backwards. Still tasted great though! I served it with black beans, fresh tomatoes, sour cream, and more cheese & avocado for whoever wanted it. It's kind of like fajitas without the tortilla, which for my poor husband, is normal around here.

If you try this recipe, please let me know how it turns out! I would love info on how to make it better!

Tomorrow: Cheesecake for breakfast!

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